Friday, April 5, 2013

Móle Mexican Bar & Grill

     Two years ago I discovered a little Mexican restaurant called "Taco,Taco" and it quickly became one of my favorite spots on the Upper East Side. When I lived in that area, I swear I was dining there once a week. Eventually I moved back to Pennsylvania and had to learn how to fight the Taco, Taco cravings.
     When I moved back to NYC last October one of the first things I wanted to eat was some Taco,Taco. Alex and I took the hour long subway ride from Brooklyn to the Upper East Side and the whole way all we could talk about was how delicious this was going to be! Little did we know, the original Taco, Taco location was CLOSED! I was almost in tears.

     After we stood on the street corner pondering what could have possibly happened that the place would be shut down, I turned around and there was a Mexican restaurant called Móle across the street that looked quite similar to Taco,Taco. We ventured over and- ta-dahh!- it was Taco,Taco with a new name and a larger space. Hallelujah!
     So, since discovering that Taco,Taco got a name change, we have also discovered they have four locations. One of them is in Brooklyn, and whats even better is it's only a few stops away from our house!
     You have got to check this place out next time you are in the mood for some Mexican cuisine. It has a intimate feel with dim lighting and close seating.

 The fresh guacamole is a must!  Choose one avocado or two and they bring all of the ingredients on a tray to the table and make it right in front of you. It's so, so delicious!

      The menu has standard authentic dishes but my favorite is the Chicken Chimichanga. It is enough food for two days but it's fanatic. It's similar to a burrito but it's fried and topped with lettuce and sour cream, then served with a side of homemade green sauce. I  just can't get enough of Móle!

For more information check out

Go get ya Mexican on!

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